Horizons Math 1 Book 2


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SKU: 8457 Category:


This is the second workbook in the Horizons 1 curriculum. Book one, stock #12054, must be completed prior to this one. Horizons Math Series tends to be more advanced than the Lifepacs in keeping with the stiffer standards of public schools. Each level has two student workbooks, but the teacher handbook is the main componant of the program. All instruction is provided through one-on-one teacher instruction, which is the biggest difference between Horizons and the self-guided Lifepacs. Concepts covered in Horizons 1 are: counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s; ordinal and cardinal numbers; addition facts; and place value. This means that a solid foundation in number recognition and other kindergarten concepts is imperative. The workbooks are very colorful which keeps the child’s interest and the concepts covered are clearly presented. Manufacturer: Alpha Omega Publications P/N: 9781580959308

Additional information

Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 11 × 0.5 × 8.5 in